L2J Server - Geodata Homepage

Geodata Homepage!

Here is link to L2jGeoEditor v1.6. (Luno)

I think there will be more versions in future with new tools and functionality in it.

Guide describing interface is placed here.

Editor should be used in purpose only to create / edit *.l2j geodata files.
By using that editor you obligate to share with any well done fixes to geo files.

History of versions:

- many little fixes
- adding layers
- adding / removing cells in MULTILEVEL blocks
- "refresh" button for re-generating minimap and maps from Maps pane , for current layer
- possibility of adding new bug from editor
- 'weird colors' mode - to see different colors for z-values with little difference
- Bugs pane (for //geo_bug admin command)
- scale in Maps pane ( size from 768 to 2048 pixels)
- new Status panel
- Changed structure in editor window
- info about used memory and "run GC" button
- indicator on RegionMap pane selecting loaded region.
- border around blocks
- indicator on minimap pointing to current positon
- fixed xyGO
- MapRegion Pane
- info about world coors
- jumping into specific world x,y coords.


"Editor Pane"
- changing layers
- navigation with minimap
- "Block info" "Cell Info"
- "min" "max" shows min and maximum Z value for current layer
NSWE editing:
To edit nswe of Cell you just have to push proper nswe button and then click on cells that must be changed. To turn off editing mode press empty nswe button. (FLAT blocks can't be edited that way)

Height editing:
To edit height of Cell / Block turn on "Height edition" check box. Then you can just select cells which z values you wanna change. Height is being changed to value that is inside text box under "height edition". (If you change height of cell that belongs to FLAT block, you change height of whole block).

Block type editing:
To edit type of block mark "BlockType edition" check box. Now by clicking on some cell you can change type of block that cell belongs to. Type is being change to one that is selected in Radio buttons: Flat, Complex, Multilevel.
Warning: Changing multilevel block type to flat or complex will delete all layers from block except layer0.

"Remove last Layer":
Does exactly what name says: removes data from last layer and remove that layer. - should be used carefully cause there is no "undo" button.

"Fix block types"
Atm it's only changing blocks from Multilevell to Complex if all cells in block have only 1 layer.

"Maps Pane"
Maps pane contain Images of layers in heigher resolution (768x768) .
You can also navigate on that images (clicking on image will scroll to that place in "Editor window").


Any ideas about new features are welcome.

Many thanks to Luno for this information and a great tool.


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